Oil and Wax, 8 x 24 inches

The Storm Light series of paintings was inspired by the variety of light I’ve witnessed before, during and after severe stormy weather. There are no depictions of specific locations but they are more my impressions of the light present during adverse weather conditions. They are based primarily on memories and/or historical notes regarding the nature and subtleties of the interplay of light during such events.

Purchase original artwork: $650
Purchase archival fine art print: $175

  • “I studied the art of the ancients and that of the moderns using no systematized approach and without preconceived ideas. I no more wanted to imitate the former than I sought to copy the latter… I wanted to draw from the entire body of tradition a rational, independent sense of my own individuality. To know in order to create—this was my purpose.” – Gustave Courbet (1819-1877)

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