Oil and Wax, 11 x 14 inches
The Elemental series of paintings depicts points of land in raging, stormy weather with rough seas. There is nothing peaceful about these scenes, but a sense of dread and awe at the power of nature. They are meant to be disturbing, immersive and dark. The storm is just clearing as the sun has set. The waves in the foreground are large, implying a low, close-to-the-water perspective adding a sense of drama. There is movement everywhere, but nowhere for the eye to rest…much like the real-life experience itself.
Purchase original artwork: $650
Purchase archival fine art print: $175
“It is not too much to say that art is the noting of the existence of order throughout the world, and so, order stirs imagination and inspires one to reproduce this beautiful relationship existing in the universe, as best one can.” – Robert Henri (1865-1929)